Weixiong Lin (林玮雄)

I am a graduate student working on deep learning at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, advised by Prof. Ya Zhang and Prof. Weidi Xie. I received my bachelor degree from SJTU in June 2022.

My current research interest is in multi-modal representation learning and foundation models.

Email: wx_lin@sjtu.edu.cn  /  Wechat: lwxgbsj

CV  /  Google Scholar  /  Github

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PMC-LLaMA: Further Finetuning LLaMA on Medical Papers
Chaoyi Wu*, Weixiong Lin*, Xiaoman Zhang, Yanfeng Wang , Ya Zhang, Weidi Xie
Technical Report, 2023.
In this report, we introduce PMC-LLaMA, an open-source language model that is acquired by fine-tuning an open-source language model on a total of 4.8 million biomedical academic papers for further injecting medical knowledge, enhancing its capability in medical domain.
PMC-VQA: Visual Instruction Tuning for Medical Visual Question Answering
Xiaoman Zhang*, Chaoyi Wu*, Ziheng Zhao, Weixiong Lin, Yanfeng Wang , Ya Zhang, Weidi Xie
Technical Report, 2023.
In this paper, we introduce PMC-VQA, a large-scale medical visual question-answering dataset, which contains 227k VQA pairs of 149k images that cover various modalities or diseases.
PMC-CLIP: Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training using Biomedical Documents
Weixiong Lin*, Ziheng Zhao*, Weixiong Lin, Chaoyi Wu, Yanfeng Wang , Ya Zhang, Weidi Xie
MICCAI, 2023
We collect a biomedical dataset, PMC-OA with 1.6M image-caption pairs collected from PubMedCentral's OpenAccess subset.

Based on a template by Jon Barron.